- Barry Leggetter, AMEC CEO, talks about the AMEC International Summit in Amsterdam, what it means and the future of the media intelligence sector.
- Alex Aiken, Executive Director, Government Communications, HM Government UK, talks about what it means to be given the AMEC Chairman’s Award for the contribution he has made to advance the importance of measurement.
Download new thinking
Professor Jim Macnamara PhD, Professor of Public Communication, University of Technology, Sydney, presented new thinking at the International Summit in Amsterdam.
Download his Paper:
“A New Paradigm and Model for Measurement and Evaluation” - a new approach to “Up The Game”.Return on Engagement
Chris Foster, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton showed how media and metrics go hand in hand with a visual showing the Evolution of Communications Measurement, presented as part of his Summit paper on Return on Engagement.
Summit Pictures
See pictures from the AMEC International Summit in Amsterdam. View the Gallery.